“It’s better to give before you receive. And never keep score. If your interactions are ruled by generosity, your rewards will follow suit.”
― Keith Ferrazzi, Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time

Once I decided to travel down the path of self-improvement, it was important to find ways to incorporate healthy habits into my daily life. I wanted ways to stay present in the here and now, because as Gary Vee articulates so well, the odds of being a human being are 400 trillion to one.

With this attitude in mind, I was like a magnet for growth, which attracted another influence—a friend of mine who introduced me to the Five Minute Journal. It’s such a small ritual, but it has rewired how I go about my days.

With this journal I am able to mentally prepare and reflect upon my day in two five-minute increments. I start my day with a healthy mindset including goals for that day and I end my day listing what I am grateful for.

Even though it’s only 10 minutes total, it also guarantees some quality “me” time as bookends for my days. And I notice a big difference when that part of my routine is broken.

Something that I make sure to add in these 5 minutes is a specific person that I am grateful for on a given day. I’ve found that naming events or people from my days helps me keep an appreciative attitude that leaks into all parts of my life. When I go about my days being person-focused and also with an emphasis on service, those are my best days.

While on this journey to improve myself, I became so addicted to becoming a better me that a routine was bred, which includes my Five Minute Journal among a few other daily tasks devised to keep myself in check.

Another way I keep myself accountable is meditation. Currently, the focus on meditation and mental health is at an all time high and in this case it’s healthy to follow the trends. I’m a huge fan of “The Honest Guys” on Youtube, but there’s also apps like HeadSpace floating around out there. Like anything else, find what works for you and run with it.

But for me, I can’t stress how important it is for me to make sure my mind is right before I start my day. When I get my head right and put my best foot forward, I find myself switching from “reacting” mode to being more proactive.

This means I am able to act more in a way that is more controlled and serves others. When my head is in a good place, I feel a sense of stability that allows me to serve others completely.

You hear it all the time because it’s true but, practice makes perfect even when it comes to daily habits. And once those habits are created they take maintenance. Am I perfect everyday? No. But I try my best to keep myself on track.

I’ll leave you with some final words paraphrased from Keith Ferrazzi: don’t keep score, but do take stock of what’s important and what’s not. And try to stay present in the here and now. It will shock you how good things follow a balanced attitude.

Do you have any special routines that keep you focused/balanced? Feel free to share the personal-growth wealth!

Make sure you check out the final part of my Help You, Help Others series where I get a little “Inception-y” and explain how we are really just beings made up of thoughts. Intrigued?